All of the GE Universal Remote Codes for Samsung TVs

If you want to control your Samsung TV with your GE universal remote control, you need to know its codes. You can enter these codes on your remote until you see it begin working.

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Once you have entered the codes successfully, you can switch off the Samsung TV by pressing the power button with your new universal remote.

One thing that is important to note is that sometimes these universal remotes will partially work with a certain code but not all of the functions will. If you are experiencing this issue then you will want to keep trying the rest of the remote codes.

Once you enter the correct codes all of the functions on your Universal remote will work properly to control your Samsung TV.

GE Universal Remote Codes To Try

So unfortunately there are three different versions of the GE Universal Remotes. So before you know which list of codes to try you will need to first look inside the battery compartment of the universal remote.

A sticker inside of the battery compartment should tell you which code list works with the remote. Below I have given all three code lists that work with the different GE Universal Remotes.

If you don’t have a sticker in your battery compartment though… then you will have to go through each of the codes listed below one by one until one of them works for your TV.

Type GE Universal RemoteCodes for GE Remote Controls

CL3 Version GE Universal Remote Codes for Samsung TVs

3301, 5471, 5521, 2741, 2961, 3321, 0001, 0101, 0251, 0261, 0331, 0351, 0531, 0571, 0711, 0781, 1191, 1221, 1311, 1501, 1911, 2071, 2141, 2721, 3471, 3561, 4011, 4941, 4961, 1501, 1911, 2071, 2141, 2721, 3471, 3561, 4011, 4941, 4961

CL4 Version GE Universal Remote Codes for Samsung TVs

3301, 5791, 5801

CL5 Version GE Universal Remote Codes for Samsung TVs

3301, 5791, 5801

To see exactly how to program a GE universal remote check out the video below.

GE Universal Remote For A Samsung TV

The GE universal remote for Samsung TV has codes stored in the remote. However, it may not work at first. To solve this problem, first, make sure the batteries of the remote are fully charged.

Then, press the power button on your Samsung TV with the remote in your hand. If everything goes well, the television will turn off automatically. You can also try the other buttons of the remote to program your television.

There are multiple models of GE remote controls. Before you start setting up your device, look for the stickers that show the device’s model and code. In most cases, there is an LED indicator that will turn on if the device is turned on. If the remote isn’t labeled, you can search for the codes using a number pad on the remote.

The GE universal remote for Samsung TV is a handy device that can help you set up your Samsung smart devices. It features easy-to-understand instructions that will help you program the device to operate properly. It also features remote codes for Blu-ray players and DVD players. In this way, you can easily control your Samsung TV.

The GE universal remote has three types of codes on its battery compartment. The first code of each group will fit most Samsung television models. The second one may not work for your television, so make sure you try all three before you choose a code. After you find the right code, you can then program your GE universal remote to control your Samsung TV.

You can also use the GE universal remote to control other devices. There are two methods for programming the remote for Samsung TV: the manual way and the auto code search. Both methods are easy to use and take very little time. The GE universal remote works with most home theater equipment. The GE universal remote is one of the most common types of remote controls.

To program a GE universal remote for Samsung TV, you should turn on the device first. Hold the CODE SEARCH/SETUP button until the INDICATOR LIGHT lights up. Then, press a device button or the AUX button and then enter the corresponding device code. Then, you will need to turn off the device to make sure you’ve entered the correct code.

When you first try to program a Samsung TV remote, make sure the batteries of your GE universal remote are fresh. If you are using a remote with damaged batteries, it won’t work as well. If the batteries are damaged, you can easily change the batteries in your remote within 10 minutes.

The next step is to program the GE universal remote for Samsung TV using the instructions mentioned above. Once you have the correct codes, you can then use your GE universal remote to control your TV. Once you’ve paired your Samsung TV remote with your GE universal remote, you can then start watching your favorite programs and movies.

The GE universal remote code for Samsung TV works with all GE universal remote codes. Simply press the Power button on the remote and wait for the remote to send 10 codes in a row. Once the 10 codes are sent, the indicator light will blink, indicating that the code has been sent. If the code does not work, try the next category.

Once the codes are assigned, you can try pairing the remote to the television by following the instructions included in the manual. If you don’t have a manual for your TV, you can look for instructions online. There are also several online communities that offer codes for Samsung TVs. You can even watch videos of the installation process.

GE Universal Remote Controller

When you buy a Samsung TV, you may want to consider purchasing a GE universal remote controller. This device has a built-in IR sensor, so it can control a wide range of devices. It is compatible with Samsung TVs, LG, Philips, and Vizio TVs. You can learn more about the GE remote’s features by visiting its official website.

You can manually program the GE universal remote by entering a code or using an auto code search feature. The auto code search feature will help you save time since you don’t have to manually input a code for every device. The remote’s setup button will light up when it finds a device. When the GE universal remote detects your device, it will display the code on the LED display. The device will then turn off when the code is successfully entered.

The GE universal remote can also help you set up your Samsung smart devices. The remote’s buttons are easy to operate and include buttons for the TV, DVD player, Blu-ray player, and VCR. The GE universal remote also includes simple instructions that make it easy for users to program their devices.

The GE universal remote control has three different code lists for Samsung TVs. The first code in each group corresponds to the specific model of the Samsung TV. If you don’t know which codes are compatible with your remote, you can look up the codes on your remote’s battery cover.

The GE 4 device universal remote is a great choice for anyone who wants to control multiple devices with just one remote. Its four buttons are useful for controlling up to four different devices, and it comes with a master volume control for all devices. It also has a dot button for sub-channel access. Besides its great functionality, the GE universal remote is also made in an attractive silver finish.

When using the GE universal remote controller, you need to make sure that the device you are using is compatible with the remote. Before you can use it, you must read the instructions carefully. You should read the instructions carefully, since there are some codes that are different for different devices. For example, the remote cannot be programmed on a Samsung TV if you have a VCR.

Once you have programmed the remote for your Samsung TV, you need to test it. To check that the programming is working properly, aim the remote towards your device and click on different buttons on the remote. You can also turn the device on or off by pressing the power button. Then, you can test the other buttons to see if they respond to the commands you have programmed. If not, try programming another code.